10 Facts about Electricity
10 Facts about Electricity
1/3 of the population of the Earth does not see the Milky Way in the sky because of the “pollution” of the atmosphere with artificial light. At the same time, about 1 billion people do not have access to electricity at all
18 nights a month worked lanterns in Moscow, set by the decree of the Empress Anna Ioannovna from 1730. They were to be lit from September 1 to May 1 only on moonless nights. Now 5-8% of the lanterns of the world work and in the daytime, when lighting is not required, wasting energy.
15-19% of the world’s electricity production, according to various estimates, is spent on lighting. The introduction of energy-efficient technologies in lighting systems can lead to a decrease in demand for electricity by 32%. This will save 120 billion dollars.
53.7 billion dollars will be invested in urban LED lighting systems around the world until 2025 (according to the forecast of the consulting company Northeast Group ).
For 120 years a lantern works in the Greenwich Village area in New York. Initially, the lamp was gas. It was installed in the 1890s, and in the 1920s it was replaced with an electric one.
1000 kWh of electricity consumes one lamp per year. According to the calculations of the engineering company Echelon Corporation, the introduction of LED lighting fixtures reduces electricity consumption by 30-50%. And the use of “smart” management programs provides another 15-30% savings.
304 million street lights are in the world. According to the forecast of the consulting company Northeast Group, by 2025 this number will increase to 352 million – mainly due to the active introduction of “smart” urban lighting and LED lighting technologies.
330-1500 kg of CO 2 is released into the Earth’s atmosphere each year as a result of the power plant’s production of the energy necessary to supply only one street lamp (according to Echelon Corporation ).
304 000 000 × 1500 = **456 000 000 000 kg of CO2 ** emissions account for maximum for street lighting systems. This is about 5% of the global indicator.
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