10 Tips on How to Save in America

Traveling in America is not a cheap thing, but we know 10 tips to help you save a lot on your trip.


Tip number 1.


Travel across America at the seam of seasons To be able to save a lot on the trip – plan it at the seam of seasons. For example, not in summer, but in late spring or early autumn. Of course, this way you will not get a full picture of America, because at that time the weather is changeable and many institutions can be closed.


Tip number 2.


Take a camping trip An excellent method of saving in the US will be for you a tent. So you can not worry about the availability of rooms in motels and their high cost. For an overnight stay in the open air with your tent on average you will pay 20-30 dollars, but the minimum cost of the most simple number is 50. So if you are not afraid of life in the countryside, then this is really a wise decision to save you. Just do not forget to bring your mattress and sleeping bags!


Tip number 3.


Do not stay long in New York and other big cities Visit New York – a dream for almost every tourist who travels to America. However, not everyone knows that everything is too expensive. For an average room in a hotel in Manhattan, you will pay $ 250 per night. And only for a smaller amount you can count on a room in Brooklyn, which is a black district of New York.


In addition to expensive housing, in the Big Apple expensive travel on public transport. Also, there is almost no free entertainment.


It’s cheap to spend the night and walk around in Washington, San Francisco and other big cities of the country.


Tip # 4.


Plan a trip in advance Do you want to save on your trip ?! Then plan it in advance – buy tickets and plan all the routes. So you will manage to realize your dream of a trip to America and, at the same time, save money for souvenirs to family and friends.


Tip # 5.


Coupons, coupons and more coupons! On the Internet you can buy coupons in the places you would like to go. With their help, you can save a lot and visit great places in major cities of America.


Tip number 6.


Buy the book Entertainment Another way to save money at various establishments is to buy the book Entertainment. It is produced in America every year for more than 50 years. The book itself consists of coupons, which are divided into sections: food, shelter, entertainment, etc. For each city – its own book. The approximate cost is $ 35, but there is a discount on it. You can buy it on the website of the publishing house or in the information bureaus of some cities.


Tip number 7.


Visit your friends In America it’s not very common to ask for a visit. But if you have relatives or friends, then why not? Be sure to bring them gifts and, perhaps, they will not only leave you for a couple of nights to spend the night, but also show the sights of the city.


If you do not have such an opportunity in America, you can register on special sites where Americans are ready to show hospitality and for a low payment they will allow you to live with them.


Tip number 8.


Visit the information office In each city there is an information office where you can take various booklets and brochures. In them you will find discount coupons for attractions, hotel accommodation or for meals in one of the city’s establishments.


Tip number 9.


Cook yourself or eat in buffets Since eating in a restaurant is expensive, and endless fast food is harmful, then we offer you buffets. These are small cafes, where you can at a fixed fee eat something that you like from the proposed. But such a proposal is valid at certain times! If you travel by car, then the best option for you to save money and a healthy meal will be a walking grill, rice cooker or a multivark.


Tip number 10.


Buy in bulk In the major cities of the United States, you can purchase a “city pass”. It represents a card that offers to visit many establishments with a good discount. For example, see all the US national parks for $ 80. The price pays for 4-5 parks.

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