11 simple and effective ways to solve everyday problems

Modern medicine has a powerful arsenal of tools, but often our problems can be solved with the help of ordinary things that are always at hand.


Of course, if there was a need for antibiotics, you’ll have to go to the pharmacy and buy some suitable pills. However, if you find, for example, strange spots on the skin or the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet, it is not necessary to do the same. It is quite possible to get rid of the purchase of medicines, taking advantage of the funds that are certainly available in every home.


1. Unpleasant odor from the feet


In case of an unpleasant odor from the feet, you can wipe them with vodka and the smell completely disappears. It sounds strange, but this method works flawlessly (by the way, vodka, in general, is able to remove unwanted odor from a variety of surfaces and materials).


2. Headache Pain


To give an effective response to an intrusive headache will help an ordinary pencil, sandwiched between teeth. This remedy prevents involuntary tight compression of the jaws, usually for stress and pain, thus avoiding its amplification and bringing some relief.


3. Blisters (bubbles filled with liquid)


The mouthwash can be very effective in the occurrence of blisters. If applied to affected areas three times a day, the pain will soon disappear.


4. Pain in the foot


From pains in feet, you can get rid of by any foot massage with a tennis ball. This method also helps to alleviate back pain. To do this, the tennis ball should be placed between the back and any solid surface (for example, a wall), tightly pressed and for a few minutes to make circular motions.


5. Hiccups


There is an unexpectedly simple and effective way to get rid of persistent hiccoughs. You just need to swallow a teaspoon of sugar – and after a few minutes, the hiccup will pass.


6. Marine sickness (motion sickness in transport)


One of the reasons for this extremely unpleasant sensation is excessive salivation. In order to quickly get rid of it, you can chew the olive or suck a slice of lemon.


7. Unpleasant plaque on the surface of the teeth


Raw fruits and vegetables act when chewing as a toothbrush. Apples are especially effective. In addition to mechanical action, they have special enzymes that allow the surface of the teeth to be cleaned naturally. This method is actually extremely effective and, moreover, has no negative side effects.


8. Oily skin of the face


This tool may seem strange and not very pleasant, but you need to crush the tomato and distribute the resulting mass over the face. We’ll have to wait for an hour and then wash it off with cool water. Numerous experiments confirm that tomatoes are an excellent natural remedy for the care of the oily skin of the face.


9. Warts


Recent studies have shown that an excellent remedy for getting rid of warts is … an adhesive tape, called lately scotch tape. It is necessary to cut off a piece of tape and paste it, completely covering the wart. Every three days, you need to peel off the tape to remove dead skin and then replace it with a new one. Warts will disappear in a very short time.


10. Irritation in daily traffic jams


Recent studies have led scientists to rather amusing conclusions: the use of chewing gum with the taste of peppermint or cinnamon increases psychological stability and reduces our irritation in daily trips to and from work. The remedy is not effective for everyone, but in any case it’s better than sitting in a traffic jam and damning the whole world.


11. Scrapes and cuts


Sprinkling an abrasion or a small wound with a pimpled clove, you can prevent its infection and inflammation. For those who do not think it’s good enough, it’s useful to know that the carnation can also alleviate the pain.

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