11 Tips for Removing Stains

We have collected simple and useful tips for you, how to remove stains from different materials and surfaces.


1. Spots from oil paints


Spots from oil paints are best displayed with a mixture of gasoline, acetone and turpentine in equal parts.


2. Ink spots


Fresh ink spots on clothes quickly boil down with milk.


3. Spots on the collars and sleeves


Well-cleaned ammonia jacket collars, sleeves, collars of raincoats.


4. Stains from dampness


Stains from dampness on the fabric wipe with a cloth soaked in whey.


5. Spots on the black velvet


Black velvet is cleaned first with a brush, slightly moistened with kerosene, and then dry, clean brush. Give clothing to air, so that the smell of kerosene will evaporate, and spread it by holding it over the steam.


6. Spots on suede shoes


To clean suede shoes, they must be wiped with a cloth moistened with water and ammonia, and then walk on them with a rubber brush or a very thin sandpaper.


7. Rusted stains


Rusty stains on white cloth are removed with a solution of hydrosulfite (1 part for 10 parts of water). For painted products, hydrosulphite can not be used, since it discolours the tissues.


8. Stains on colored fabrics


For colored fabrics use a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and grated soap. In this mixture, add a little water to obtain a homogeneous mass and cover it with a spot for a day, then wash it off with water.


9. Spots on the grass


A simple remedy for removing herbal stains is a solution of table salt (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water).


10. Spots about m coffee, cocoa, tea


Stains from coffee, cocoa and tea will help to wash cold water with glycerin (1 tablespoon of glycerin per 1 liter of water).


11. Stains from beer, wine, liquor


Stains from beer, wine, liqueur are taken out with warm water and detergent. Wet this solution with a tampon and rub the stain, and then rinse with warm water and vinegar (1 teaspoon to 0, 5 liters of water).


And do you have your own secrets, how to get rid of stains?

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