7 best recipes for toothpaste and tooth whitening

Everyone should keep their teeth clean and tidy. And, probably, very few people think about what they contain the usual toothpaste in their ingredients. But you should sometimes, and think about such contained substances in the toothpaste for the benefit of your own health. It turns out that any toothpaste purchased in the store contains toxic substances (mainly three), which are harmful to human health – parabens, sodium larium sulfate and triclosan. In addition, all the known fluoride that is contained in toothpaste is not so safe for humans.

But if you prepare an ecologically harmless analog of toothpaste on your own, at home, of course about chemistry, the ingredients of the purchased toothpaste can be forgotten. And it’s no secret that every day a person “eats” chemotherapy with tooth washing. To make the same toothpaste is quite simple and, it will give its “natural” fruits. After all, Nature itself, with its ingredients, can help the teeth of a person. Essential oils, which are contained in homemade toothpaste, will help both the teeth and the person as a whole.

**It is useful to know: **

 * – Carnation, which is used in ingredients of home-made toothpaste, can well sooth and toothache;
* – sage – useful with bleeding gums;
* – rosemary – able to improve blood circulation;
* – Thyme – perfectly destroys the bacteria that have appeared in the mouth of a person;
* – tea tree – will help get rid of caries and inflammation of the gums;
* – Peppermint – perfectly removes inflammation and pain in caries, it can give fresh breath to a person.

Here you can find natural recipes for an alternative toothpaste replacement. We offer to choose the ones suitable for you from the below listed options, collected in the Internet.

Prepare toothpaste – prescription 1.

**Ingredients: **
– a pinch of cinnamon,
– a pinch of fennel (powder),
– a pinch of salt (sea),
– two teaspoons of baking soda,
– six drops of tea tree oil (you can take mint ingredients in such a same number),
– one teaspoon of coconut oil.

1. Mix all the prepared ingredients (except coconut oil) – mix thoroughly.
2. Coconut oil should be added only immediately before each tooth brushing – then it is considered that the paste is ready for use.
In such a paste there are no chemical fillers and substances harmful to the human body. In addition, the toothpaste prepared in this way has a very pleasant aroma. Keep such homemade toothpaste in a sealed package.

Toothpaste – a budget option – recipe 2.

– 70 grams of white clay,
– one spoonful (tea) of honey,
– two drops of essential oil of sage,
– two drops of essential oil of chamomile,
– from five to ten drops of propolis on a water basis.

1. Clay with water mix until a pasty state.
2. Add propolis to the clay.
3. Take a teaspoon of honey, enter into it two drops of selected essential oils.
4. Mix all components and mix thoroughly.
5. After the preparation of such a paste, you can clean your teeth with a quiet mind.
– cooked toothpaste perfectly removes the plaque and bad breath from the person, in addition, it has a bleaching effect.

Toothpaste – recipe 3.

**Ingredients: **
– half a teaspoon of sea salt (only it is important to use only crushed salt),
– two teaspoons of baking soda,
– half a teaspoon of myrrh (powder) – you can replace it with bamboo – powder or licorice,
– half teaspoon white clay,
– two tablespoons (tea) glycerin,
– three – four leaves of mint, essential oil, and no matter what, it is recommended rosemary, lemon, orange or sweet mint – from ten to thirteen drops.

1. All the prepared ingredients thoroughly mix to a homogeneous mass – the paste is ready.
Store the prepared toothpaste in a hermetically sealed container (jar).

Cosmetic tips:


1. When using toothpaste prepared at home, you need to follow a few simple tips:

– baking soda, as an ingredient to the paste, it is recommended to add only once during the week, during the remaining days, you should brush your teeth without adding it. With frequent (daily) use of soda can only damage the teeth. According to dentists, abrasive does whiten tooth enamel, but this is only due to the fact that it is able to clean only the top layer of enamel. However, the periodic application of such a procedure can be harmful.
2. In order to whiten teeth it is recommended to rinse them with salt water. It is with the help of salt whiten their teeth Greeks.
3. In bleaching, citric acid works great. It is important to remember that after rinsing your teeth with citric acid it is not recommended to brush your teeth for one hour.
4. It will be wonderful to “feel” yourself and the teeth of a person, and he himself, if after eating a little chew cloves or rinse your mouth with decoction of oak bark or thyme.

Prepare toothpaste – recipe 4.

**Ingredients: **

base – white clay, spring water, 1 tsp. honey, EM sage, chamomile, propolis water-based.
How to do: mix clay (about 60 g) with water and drop 5-10 drops of propolis, add two drops of sage and chamomile in a teaspoon of honey, mix with a toothpick and add to clay.

All mixed until homogeneous, put in a jar and put on a shelf in the bathroom. Two or three weeks just stays, not spoiled. The taste of the paste is very soft with a neutral-sweet aftertaste, whitens teeth and heals wounds in the mouth.

Prepare toothpaste – prescription 5.

For those who like the complexity of another recipe: galenic (made from herbs) powder. For its preparation, you will need: powder flapping erect – 2 parts, ayr powder – 2 parts and powder birch bark – 1 part. All the necessary ingredients can be found in the herbal pharmacy. Mix the ingredients in the specified proportions, dilute slightly warmed water to a thick creamy consistency and use the prepared mixture as a toothpaste. Within an hour after brushing your teeth, you can not eat such paste.

Prepare toothpaste – recipe 6.

For those who understand chemistry, wood ash is suitable. It contains potassium hydroxide, a compound that is an absorbent and an excellent bleaching agent. The toothbrush should be dipped in the wood ash and brush your teeth. You can mix wood ash with toothpaste or powder.

Prepare toothpaste – recipe 7.

Bake eggplant (cut into small mugs) in an oven or fry in a heated frying pan until charring. Put your fingers in this black powder and spend them on the teeth for 3 minutes – the longer, the better. This unattractive-looking powder not only whitens teeth, but also perfectly strengthens them. It is advisable after that for an hour nothing to take in your mouth.

Do not worry that the finger will remain stained – the eggplant “soot” is easily washed off with plain water. Naturally, cooking this tool takes some time, so it is better to cook it with a margin several times.

Without leaving home, you can prepare more simple and effective dentifrices.

The first agent: a large salt, better sea. In it, you need to drop a clean toothbrush, which then brush your teeth.

The second: thyme – in finely ground dry leaves, dip a brush and brush her teeth. Disinfecting properties.

The third agent: activated carbon – finely ground tablets.

The fourth: from a caries the horsetail collected in a damp place will help. It must be dried and ground into flour and cleaned with a mixture of teeth.

The fifth: from blackened teeth to smokers will help the root of iris, which needs to be cut into small pieces and dried in the oven.

Six: also from the blackened teeth will help finely crushed charcoal.

The seventh means: lemon – it is able to whiten the surface of the teeth, if you rub them from time to time with lemon.

Sivananda Pasta

**How to cook pasta Sivananda? **
The composition of the paste includes 3 ingredients:
sea salt,
eggplant peel,
olive oil.

For cooking, you will need a coffee grinder and several ceramic cups.

Sea salt can be purchased at the pharmacy, please note that the salt should not contain additional ingredients, for example, glycerin or perfume fragrances.

We take an ordinary coffee grinder and grind the sea salt to the state of powder.

For lack of eggplants you can use skins of bananas in Sivananda paste. They need to bake in the oven to a coal-like state.

After they become firm, it is necessary to break them and grind them in a coffee grinder into chaff. As well as sea salt. As a result, you will get two cups of ingredients for the Sivananda paste.

To prepare a weekly stock of pasta, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of ground sea salt and a little banana ash.

This ratio is chosen according to taste and in due course you will find some kind of its ratio, more suitable for you.

Next, carefully mix the salt and ash, and then pour the resulting powder with olive oil. It is better to use unrefined oil.

Olive oil should be added in volume one to one with sea salt in such a way that oil would cover the ready-made Sivananda paste with a small film on top.

Mix thoroughly and paste ready!

In order not to repeat often the procedure of cooking pasta ingredients, it is possible to prepare a large volume of powder (sea salt + eggplant ash), mixing everything in the required proportions, and store it in a jar in a dark, dry place. This powder can be kept long enough. And cook the paste weekly, adding the necessary amount of olive oil to the powder. It is recommended to keep the Sivananda paste itself in ceramic ware. Prepare a paste for more than a week is not desirable, since the oil is oxidized and acquires a characteristic odor.

We brush teeth with Sivananda paste

The only drawback of Sivananda’s paste is the increase in the time allowed for brushing your teeth. Instead of the usual 2-3 minutes, the time for brushing your teeth will increase to 10-15 minutes. This is due to the fact that at home it is impossible to grind the sea salt to a dusty state, so in the past there are grains of salt crystals that, like an abrasive material, will scratch the tooth enamel. Whatever it is, Sivananda paste must be completely dissolved in saliva. To do this, not a large amount (m. 1 teaspoon) of pasta is put under the tongue. For 10-15 minutes the salt is completely dissolved, and the brine can be cleaned with a brine solution.

Usually, brush your teeth with your finger. First, the solution is rubbed into the gums, and then into the outer surface, the inner surface and the edges of the teeth. The quality of cleaning is indicated by the characteristic “scratch of clear glass”, which becomes audible as you clean it, when you swipe your finger on the teeth. After brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with water.
Use your health!

**Chips **– Pasta is so salty that it seems bitter. You quickly get used to it.
– At the initial stage of cleansing, if you have weak gums and teeth that are sensitive to salt, then perhaps you will experience unpleasant sensations – they will gradually pass as soon as the enamel is saturated with salt.
– If you put Sivananda paste under your tongue to dissolve it, and go watch TV, then in half an hour you can get a burn of the mucous tongue and mouth cavity. Be sensible 10-15 minutes for cleaning is enough.
– The tartar begins to disappear approximately one month after the daily use of the paste morning and evening.
“Ironically, the paste smells of chocolate.” Take care of her from friends and relatives!
– Instead of olive oil, you can use ordinary unrefined sunflower oil.
– After you have brushed your teeth with your finger, you can gently brush them with a brush, but only very gently.
– To strengthen the gums, you can rinse the mouth with a decoction of oak bark.

Recipe of toothpaste of Srila Prabhupada

sea salt (well ground)
mustard oil
(each ingredient is equal)
Mix all together very well!
Mixture of sea salt and olive oil (relieve the periodontitis), apply and rub with a finger, and use propolis for “tooth inflammation”

The recipe for whitening and dentistry for Neumyvakin.

It helps with almost any gum disease, and almost immediately whitens teeth, dissolves the stone, and heals small wounds in the mouth. It helps from periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums, from blackness at the roots of the teeth, from tartar and any painful condition in the mouth, and also from bad smell from the mouth.

It is necessary to make a simple paste: in 0.5 tsp. drinking soda add 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy) and a few drops of lemon. Pasta is ready!

How to apply:

Wadded in a paste in a paste, and rub our teeth and gums on the outside and inside with this paste. Lemon neutralizes soda and gives freshness, soda cleans teeth from plaque, and peroxide disinfects and bleaches.

After such cleansing, I have teeth so clean that they shine like pearls, and a slight smell of lemon gives a cheerful mood.

You can prophylactically rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution:

1-3 tsp. peroxide in 50 ml of warm water for all painful conditions in the mouth.
It’s not tasty! But very useful … then the effect of teeth whitening is fixed, and they remain white, even if you do not already clean them with fleece. But to fix the whitening effect – you need to do this REGULARLY!

Still, those who decide to brush their teeth “by Neumyvakin”, we advise you to remember – after brushing your teeth do not rinse for 15 minutes, do not eat or drink anything. Vatoy wipe the remaining soda on his teeth, dry his tongue with dry cotton wool, and then collect everything with saliva and spit out. Outwardly, the lips and around them wash off with water. Here, perhaps, that’s all.

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