7 Detox Juices to Lose Weight

Detox juices are prepared based on fruits and vegetables with antioxidant and diuretic properties that help to improve the functioning of the intestine, decrease fluid retention and favor weight loss when included in a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it is believed that it can strengthen the immune system and help detoxify and cleanse the body.

This type of juice is rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and it is recommended to drink between 250 and 500 ml per day in conjunction with a healthy diet. However, detox juices are also included in other dietary regimes to reduce weight, as in liquid detox diets or in a low carbohydrate diet, for example, in which case you should consult a nutritionist to carry out a nutritional assessment and prepare a feeding plan adapted to needs.

1. Green kale, lemon and cucumber juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 118.4 calories.


1 kale leaf;
½ lemon juice;
1/3 of peeled cucumber;
1 red apple without peel;
150 ml of coconut water.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sugar.

2. Cabbage, beet and ginger juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 147 calories.


2 kale leaves;
1 spoon of mint leaves;
1 apple, 1 carrot or 1 beet;
1/2 cucumber;
1 teaspoon of grated ginger;
1 glass of water.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next. It is recommended to drink this juice without adding sugar or sweetener.

3. Tomato detox juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 20 calories.


150 ml of ready-made tomato juice;
25 ml of lemon juice;
Sparkling water.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients in a glass and add ice when drinking.

4. Lemon, orange and lettuce juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 54 calories.


1 lemon juice;
Juice of 2 lemon oranges;
6 lettuce leaves;
½ glass of water.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without using sugar or sweeteners.

5. Watermelon and ginger juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 148 calories.


3 slices of pitted watermelon;
1 teaspoon of crushed flaxseed;
1 teaspoon of grated ginger.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, without sweetening.

6. Pineapple and cabbage juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 165 calories.


100 ml of ice water;
1 cucumber slice;
1 green apple;
1 slice of pineapple;
1 teaspoon of grated ginger;
1 dessert spoon of chia;
1 kale leaf.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sweetening.

7. Watermelon, cashew and cinnamon juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 123 calories.


1 medium slice of watermelon;
1 lemon juice;
150 ml of coconut water;
1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
1 cashew nut.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sweetening.

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