How to make money on Youtube?

There are many ways to make money on YouTube – connect AdSense or affiliate programs, collect donations, enter into advertising contracts, sell merchandise, or do all of this at the same time. If the channel is promoted, earnings on YouTube can reach tens of thousands of dollars per month just for embedded advertising.


Google helps anyone who wants to make money on advertising on the Internet. And even if you don’t have your own website, you can still find a way out. For example, if you have a video that you can upload to YouTube. We will tell you about how you can make money using a video service.


If you don’t have your own YouTube channel and looking for some idea to start it, you must check our post 100 Successful Video Ideas for YouTube


There are 6 main ways to make money on YouTube:



    1. Become YouTube Partner and generate income from impressions of Google Adsense ads.


    1. Monetizing YouTube: Use Affiliate YouTube Links


    1. Collaborations with brands – “Influencer marketing”


    1. Crowdfunding on YouTube via Patreon


    1. “Premium Subscribers” YouTube


    1. Sell your own products and services on YouTube



In the article, we analyze in detail the pros, cons, features and pitfalls of each method.


Make Money on YouTube : Become YouTube Partner


The Official YouTube Affiliate Program allows vloggers to earn money through displaying Google Adsense ads and / or YouTube Premium subscriptions if the viewer has purchased them.


As a YouTube partner, you earn in different ways. You can make money from ads, subscriptions, and Super Chat features, if you’re a streamer, you can sell perks, super stickers, and more to viewers.


To become a YouTube partner, you need:



    • Have more than 1,000 subscribers.


    • Get at least 4,000 hours of views per year.


    • and your content must conform to YouTube guidelines.



These requirements have appeared since February 2018: now the number of views does not matter. In this way, YouTube fights off attackers – for example, those who wind up indicators and try to make money on other people’s videos.


After that, a green “$” icon will appear next to the video in your YouTube Studio. That’s it – you can now APPLY for YouTube monetization.


How to APPLY for YouTube monetization


Go to the YouTube Studio monetization page for your channel. The process includes accepting the YPP terms of use and creating a Google AdSense account, which links to your channel and allows ads to appear on your content.


Then you will have to wait for YouTube to approve your account. YouTube’s official guidelines state that the response takes about a month; Be patient.


If your request is not approved, it may be necessary for you to make some modifications to the way you make videos or your type of content. Misleading titles or repetitive content are just two reasons YouTube might deny you access to the YPP. But do not worry. You can correct your contents and reapply in a month.


When your account has ads, you can decide what type of advertising you want to show: from banner ads at the bottom of the video to ads before, during or after your content. These can have different levels of success, depending on the content you make.


When your ads have started to make some good money, you obviously want to get paid. To do this, follow Google’s guidelines to earn your income with your **AdSense account. **


If your first cents started dripping from the YouTube affiliate program, don’t expect to get money quickly. The minimum threshold for submitting an Adsense payment is $ 100. If the required amount is collected, for example, in January, then the payment will be sent only at the end of February. It could take a few months before you can spend your first YouTube income.


How much can I earn from YouTube Ads?


The amount of earnings depends on:



    • The number of commercial impressions (they are counted if the ad is watched to the end or at least 30 seconds).


    • Ad formats and costs.


    • The geographic location of the audience.


    • Reach, number of views, retention.


    • The quality of the content and the subject of the video (as a rule, advertisers avoid videos with obscene expressions, scandals, etc.).



The exact income can be seen only in the Google Adsense account or the personal account of the connected partner. The projected channel revenue is displayed in YouTube Analytics.




Remember, the YouTube Partner Agreement does not guarantee a certain amount of income. Earnings depend on how viewers watch video ads. Consequently, more commercial views means more money.




Disadvantages of earning through the YouTube affiliate program or media network:



    • Small income per view (especially when working with a media network).


    • Inconvenient withdrawal of funds (when participating in an official affiliate program).


    • The inability to receive an advance payment (as with direct advertising) and so on.



The main advantage: nothing distracts from creativity. YouTube does not need to communicate with advertisers, agree on scenarios, observe deadlines – video hosting spins suitable advertisements by itself. All that remains for the blogger is to make quality content and periodically study the YouTube Analytics and AdSense reports.


However, this does not mean that you will always be able to generate revenue from YouTube through advertising alone. There are other ways you can build on your earning potential.


How to avoid demonetization on YouTube


As YouTube has grown in popularity, Google and its advertisers have become more skilful and restrictive about the type of content they are willing to place ads on. These guidelines are constantly expanding and changing, so it is not uncommon for a large channel to suddenly find themselves with a ton of content that is no longer making money.


It’s not that we suggest limiting your creativity just to earn more on YouTube, but if you plan to make a living from creating videos you need to make sure you don’t violate YouTube’s demonetization policies.


There are several categories of content that YouTube doesn’t like, and YouTube could limit or even stop all ads if the videos go out of line. If you violate YouTube’s content guidelines, your entire channel could be demonetized, so be careful.


Google has an extensive list of content that could lead to demonetization. Here are some examples:



    • Language: high or repeated use of expletives, especially if they are related to hate speech.


    • Violence: the contents with too much bloody stuff and human fluids; real violence towards people or animals and violence towards children or animals, even if fictitious.


    • Adult content: almost any overtly sexual content, including animals mating, sexual texts or audios, and stories related to sexual experiences.


    • Harmful acts: pranks, stunts, invasive medical procedures, or anything that promotes physical harm.


    • Hate content: any hate crime, hate speech or abusive behavior.


    • Recreational drug use: promoting or using any illegal substance.


    • Tobacco – Any material that promotes tobacco or tobacco products.


    • Firearms: Anything that promotes the sale or manufacture of firearms, in addition to their unsafe use.


    • Sensitive topics: war, political conflicts or terrorism.




Affiliate YouTube Links is widely used way to make money on YouTube.


The affiliate marketing is a formula where you commissions for the sales you get your videos .


Everything revolves around the affiliate links and personalized promotional codes (discount coupons, etc.) that the brand provides to the affiliate.


The idea in both systems is that they allow a brand to know the affiliate’s website from which the user who has made a purchase comes from , which allows them to assign their corresponding commission.


If the user buys within a set maximum period (which typically ranges between 1 and 30 days), the affiliate will receive a commission for the sale.


On YouTube the affiliate links and promotional code go in the description of the videos . It is very typical that they are from Amazon or AliExpress , since both online stores have affiliate programs.


Many times you will see that the YouTuber alerts you to it from the video itself. And it is precisely to encourage you to use them since, if you go directly to the product website without going through these links, the sale will not be associated with the YouTuber in question.


So now you know: if you like a YouTuber (or bloggers like us …) and want to have a gesture with the author, use their affiliate links , you will help them pay their bills and continue creating content for you, and also will appreciate it very much .


Commissions typically range from 5% to 50% of the product price . This last rate of 50% is usually given in digital products such as online courses, for example. In a physical product or service , for obvious reasons, it is practically impossible to reach such high percentages.


As you can see, it is a fantastic option , technically very easy and it can be very profitable .


One last very important tip : be honest; It will not only be ethical, but also profitable .


Search among the potential products related to your content (if they are not products related to your products, you will hardly sell anything) the best ones, (test them thoroughly, etc.) and recommend only these .


Here’s a “triple-win” : your audience will be happy (you have saved them time and trouble), the provider will be happy (they have a sale) and you will be happy ( you have a commission).


If your affiliate marketing is like this, you will do very well.


Yes, publishing affiliate links on YouTube has a typical similarity to promoting affiliate links on any blog. However, don’t overuse it. Try not to spread affiliate links to all content. Keep in mind that viewers will only click these links when they believe you are a reliable resource or the information is relevant and in line with your channel’s philosophy and audience. In short, only integrate customer products into your videos if it fits well with the scenario.




Collaborations with brands – “Influencer marketing”


On YouTube, direct collaboration with brands and “influencer marketing” (when contributors have “influencer” status ) is very typical .


And it is that this type of marketing fits especially well with sites with audiovisual content .


YouTube is the medium that most allows you to connect with your audience and this also allows you to increase your audience’s trust in you, which is precisely the great asset of influencers over brands.


But when we talk about collaboration with brands, in reality, we mean collaboration formulas with a more direct contact between the brand and the YouTuber.


Here are some examples:



    1. Sponsorships : widely used in podcasts; for example, with a small wedge of the mark at the beginning, middle or end of the audio.


    1. Product placement : it is very typical on YouTube for a brand to pay the YouTuber to show their products (a usage tutorial, a product analysis, etc.). It can also be applied to podcasting, although it fits better in the video format.


    1. Merchandising : the above, but more discreet; it’s about products being seen. It may be because the YouTuber wears clothing or accessories of the brand, products that he has strategically placed (on the table, a shelf in the background, etc.) so that they can be seen “casually” in the video, etc.


    1. Lead generation for third parties : derive leads and customers. For example: a YouTuber with a channel about car mechanics that refers customers to collaborating workshops.


    1. Collaborations in events : the influencer can help a lot to increase the audience in the events and can collaborate simply with their presence, an interview, a talk, etc.


    1. Brand consulting : become a brand consultant to improve your products based on the knowledge of your audience’s influencer and the feedback you receive.



Make Money on YouTube : Crowdfunding on YouTube via Patreon


Another very original idea that I highly recommend you explore is the Patreon crowdfunding platform .


It is a platform that has given a very interesting twist to the concept of donations (something that, generally, works very badly when you put a simple donation button on your website) and that is giving surprising results.


In addition, a very interesting thing is that with the data that you can see on your page on Patreon you can estimate the minimum income that Patreon has to be giving you.


To understand how to do this and the idea behind Patreon, you have to know that there are two types of members on Patreon:



    • The creators : they are the authors of the works (of all kinds).


    • Patrons ( “patrons” ) : those who follow creators and fans want to support them.



The idea is that, through Patreon, fans of the authors can access a varied series of privileges that the creators put at their disposal, in exchange for a periodic payment (made via Patreon).


These privileges can be all sorts of things like, for example, exclusive content, direct contact with the creator, etc. It is basically a question of the creativity of the author to come up with attractive formulas for his audience.


Access levels (tiers) can be established, and it is very interesting to do so, to suit all pockets.


And this is precisely also what allows us to estimate income.


Let us take an example. If your channel has got 1061 patrons; with the minimum contribution of $2, you would get a theoretical minimum of $ 2,122 per month.


However, since there are also higher contribution levels, it is clear that the real figure has to be higher.


For the final calculation you have to subtract a small commission ( 5% at this time) that Patreon stays, the rest (95%) is for the creator.


A great and very elegant solution for everyone involved, don’t you think?


Make Money on YouTube: “Premium Subscribers” YouTube


Along with ad revenue, YouTube offers several additional ways you can earn money for making good content and managing your personal brand effectively. If someone who pays for a YouTube Premium account watches your videos, they won’t see any ads, but YouTube will pay you anyway.


Giving certain benefits to those who view your material so that they become members of your channel is a great way to get more income. You will have to meet another, higher standard to be considered to apply for memberships: you need 30,000 subscribers (1,000 in the case of video game channels), be over 18 years old, and live in one of the applicable countries.


By following all of these, you can offer your members perks like badges, emojis, videos, live chats, and other content. What you can’t offer is meeting members in person or video downloads. For every person who pays $ 5 a month to become a member, you will receive $ 3.50.


For your most devoted fans you can offer Super Chat messages. This allows them to pay $ 1 to $ 500 to send a special message featured in your livestream chats, and even pin it to the beginning of the chat. As with memberships, you take 70 percent of all revenue.


Make Money on YouTube: Sell your own products and services on YouTube


This last point is quite obvious, so I am not going to delve into it much.


If the above ways does not suit you, you can sell your own products and services to make money on YouTube.


The product par excellence is usually online courses. And it is that they have many advantages: they fit into many themes and, above all, they scale perfectly because they are a highly automated sale .


That is, once created, the difference in effort from selling 10 to selling 1000 is not 100 times more, it is just a little more.


You can sell your courses directly from sales platforms, although I would recommend you go a little further and create a dedicated website for your courses and / or a blog, with a section for your courses.


This will give you much more play and you will already have the infrastructure to do something very, very important that I will comment on below: take your followers on YouTube to your mailing list.


How Much Do YouTubers Earn?


Most YouTube users do not make money on the site for various reasons. Starting from the fact that they are not interested in it and on YouTube they are for entertainment, not profit. For popular YouTubers, the profit can be several million dollars a year.




The profitability of your channel directly depends on your views and the chosen niche.




YouTubers in such segments as: news, celebrity gossip, makeup and beauty, entertainment, let’s play quickly receive income thanks to millions of views and the activity of advertisers.


There are even YouTube revenue calculators to help you figure out how much you can earn based on video views and audience engagement.


Conclusions and final tips


The rise of YouTube is unstoppable and it is already at a height that represents a spectacular opportunity for new authors who know how to create an attractive proposal with their channel.


According to Social Blade, only among the channels created in Spain, more than 500 channels already exceed one million subscribers . In the range of 100,000 – 1,000,000 subscribers they are already in the thousands.


As you can see, there are also a lot of formulas to make money with a YouTube channel. It is logical because we are talking about such large audiences that it is natural that there are opportunities for monetization, it could not be otherwise.


Now my advice is don’t be blinded by money. Before making a significant amount of money on YouTube, you will have to do a lot of previous work of content creation and marketing actions (such as SEO) to make your channel visible.


Therefore, you are going to need a lot of discipline and a lot of patience, there are no shortcuts .


Therefore, I also advise you to choose the theme of your channel very well . Apart from being something for which there is a clear audience (if it is large, the better), it must be something that you like a lot, if not, it will be difficult for you to get the motivation to endure the journey without initial results.


And finally, if, after a reasonable time, you see that your proposal does not work for you, do not hesitate to change it if you have a better idea .


If you overcome these initial obstacles, I assure you that something great may be waiting for you, something that can become your way of life and that will give you a level of satisfaction like very few other things in life.


I hope, now you’re clear on how to make money on YouTube. Still Doubts? Let me know in the comments section?

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