How to see Paris and not go bankrupt

“Paris, Paris, a dream in reality” sang in the 90’s smooth-combed, but courageous group Carmen, and we all sang along and dreamed of getting to Paris. Whole country. We published books about it, made films and wrote out plump notebooks with even lines of poetry. To go to the capital of romantic dreams was so extremely important that after seeing it, you could die.


Paris turned out to be a large city, with nice townspeople and townspeople, very unstable weather, a huge iron keychain from the keys put in the very center of the city and biting prices for any service. I will not argue, the fulfillment of a dream should be costly. And yet, can one not give up his life and save from a disappearance an account in a bank? Next time, when you again pull into the city of dreams, use these tips.


How to see Paris and not go bankrupt


1. Visit the Louvre for free. This can be done on the first Sunday of every month from October to March. If you happen to be there on another day, go to the Louvre through Carrousel du Louvre, you will avoid queues at the cashier. The second way to avoid the queue is to use the Paris Museum Pass.


2. Save in the museum d’Orsay. The ticket to this museum is cheaper after 16.30 (the museum runs to 21), except Thursday. As in the Louvre, a free ticket can be obtained on the first Sunday of every month.


3. Use the Paris Museum Pass. This ticket will pay off handsomely if you actively visit the sights. The ticket allows free entry to 60 museums.


4. The first Sunday of every month in museums is free passage. The consequence and the back side of this happy event is a lot of people in the halls of museums. But there is also “Night at the Museum”, it usually takes place in May.


5. Do not take a taxi at the airport. Ride by public transport. You have the options: train RER B and bus Roissybus. The final bus stop is in the Opera area, the train makes several stops at different train stations, where you can make a metro transfer. The train ticket costs 9.5 Euros, the bus costs 10 Euro. The last “secret” option – AIR FRANCE sends the bus to the Eastern Station and the Montparnasse train station, where you can take the subway, the ticket costs 7.50 euros.


6. And do not take a taxi. The subway in Paris is quite convenient, and a taxi is expensive and often gets into traffic jams.


7. Buy immediately 10 tickets for the metro, bus. Each ticket costs 1.70 Euro, buying cartnet – 10 tickets, you save 3.30 euros on 10 trips.


8. Take in Paris for rent is great. Velib – the Parisian cycling program, allows you to take a bicycle for a day for 1.7 Euros or for a week for 8 Euro.


9. Stop at the hostel. Hostels offer comfortable accommodation in the heart of the city. The cost of the bed starts from 15 euros. It’s not bad, given how expensive the hotels are in Paris. If you are traveling alone or with a company, rent an apartment on AIRBNB or TRIPPING.


10. Go to the hostel to drink something. Even if you do not live in a hostel, look in the evening at his bar – meet travelers and drink a glass of another juice or whatever you prefer. It’s great to start your first day in Paris with a private friendly party.


11. Couchsurf. Nothing is as cheap as free housing.


12. Do not pay for the entrance. There are many free attractions in Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne, Maison de Balzac, Maison de Victor Hugo, Père Lachaise, Belleville quarter, almost all churches, parks like Jardin du Luxembourg and Promenade Plantee. In Paris you will find many places that you can go for free. The Cathedral of Notre Dam can be reached free of charge on Sunday, around noon, when there is a service.


13. Take free excursions. If you know a foreign language, go for a walk with a guide for free.


14. Remember, water is free. In Paris, tap water flows from the tap, you can drink it safely and with pleasure. In the restaurant it is served in the countess free of charge. Of course, they will serve for bottled money. Demand simple water, not in bottles.


15. Take comprehensive meals. All restaurants at lunchtime offer complex lunches of two or three courses, their cost is much lower than the menu, from 10 to 20 euros for the whole complex.


16. Eat from the market. Paris is a city of open food markets, there are about 80 of them, they are everywhere. If you want to save decent money, grab the head of cheese, good wine, baguette, something delicious from the market and go to the park for a picnic (and then leave one sandwich).


17. Sometimes you go to the store. There you will find all the necessary products, including cooked meals. If you live in an apartment or apartment, it will only be necessary to heat up the soup bought.


18. Have fun on free festivals. All summer in Paris are free events, like the Paris Jazz Festival and Cinema an Plein Air.


19. Use the free wi-fi. In Paris, the expanse of all dependent on social networks, it is not necessary to go for a cup of coffee in a restaurant to get a dose of the Internet. Almost all parks, museums, libraries and other public places have free access. Just click on WI-FI ORANGE, fill out a simple form and voila!


20. Fill a plastic bottle with water for free in one of 800 drinking fountains in Paris.


21. Take a table in a restaurant in the outback. The cost of an account in some restaurants varies. Account under the canopy is one, inside – another. The closer you sit to the sidewalk, the higher the score.


22. Try to refrain from buying. In the past few years, taxes have skyrocketed, and Paris demonstrates the championship prices for everything. Save money for purchases in other European cities. If very unbearable, go to the flea market Porte de Vanves, in contrast to Porte de Clignancourt, which is well-known by tourists, the prices are lower and the finds are more pleasant.


Paris, Paris, how precious you are! But by making a few adjustments to your trip, you can make a trip to Paris accessible, convenient and memorable.

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