Learn to Save in Practical Ways

All our lives we learn to save and lose in this unequal struggle, again and again leaving in stores a good half of the salary. But the economy of saving is different. Do you really want to spend money effectively from your budget? Then divide expenses into separate sectors and begin to struggle with excessive spending on all fronts.


Do you want to save money? Then do not spend more than you can afford. Make spending lists and plan your budget. Try to keep a record of all expenses and incomes. Separate mandatory and optional spending. Plan large purchases in advance – discard imposed loans and impulsive acquisitions. And do not delay everything “for tomorrow”. The one who wants to save does not wait for the right moment. He just does not make rash things.


Food basket


The food goes to most of the income of any person, regardless of the country in which he lives. Is it possible to reduce the expenditure part of the budget for food? Yes, if you allocate funds correctly and avoid extremes. On what it is possible to save:

 * on seasonal vegetables and fruits – get used to eating “seasonally” to avoid unnecessary waste ;

* on home preparations. Own harvest of vegetables is a great way to save money. That’s only, given the benefits, it is worth at least once to calculate the real value of each kilogram of winter stocks. After all, spending on gasoline, travel, food during the dacha season are considered extremely rare. Not to mention the cost of seeds, seedlings and fertilizers. Are you still sure that the dacha is profitable? And has not grown potato “gold” grown for the season of the summer season itself grown?

* on food in the public catering – take food with you, exclude unnecessary spending on cafes and restaurants; \ at breakfasts – eggs or cereal are most useful and provide a long saturation;

* on the price difference . Choose stores that allow you to buy goods cheaper. Do not be lazy to spend time getting around shops and conducting a comparative analysis of the cost of goods;

* on dishes of fast preparation . Forget about half-finished products. The sausage will not replace a piece of meat, and homemade cutlets will always taste better than those produced on an industrial scale. 


It is also important to remember that too frequent visits to the store or shopping on an empty stomach can cause unreasonable acquisitions. And, of course, it is worth thinking about the possibility of regulating your diet. If you want to eat, eat. Make your own, comfortable for you, diet and try to stick to it in any situation.


Clothes and footwear


The easiest way to save money is to buy things at peak sales, about the second month of the season. That is, summer collections will be cheaper in Nov-Dec, and winter – in Mar-Apr.



    • Buy things by size


    • Correlate each new purchase with your wardrobe. Do not buy something that does not fit with the basic (basic) elements of your image.


    • Use accessories to change the look.


    • Do not buy what is beyond your means. Acquire only those goods that you can buy.



Communal payments


It is on this expense item that saving is most difficult. Communal payments can be differentiated by setting separate meters for water and electricity. Use the opportunity to pay for the consumption of housing services without commissions.


Communication services


Unlimited communication and Internet tariffs are a profitable investment. Pay your calls once a month and get the opportunity to communicate without restrictions within the limits of available volumes of traffic and communication. Another way to save – IP-telephony. Replace the usual communication with Skype or other messengers. And make international and long distance calls with significant benefits for yourself.

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