Why it is Important to Protect Your Computer Against Viruses

The average personal computer owner must maintain it and protect it against viruses – just like the experts in large companies.

The tools to protect your computer are readily available, along with the necessary steps to maintain them properly. Companies like McAfee provide most of the protection required, but some of the responsibility rests with the computer user as well.

The five steps that help the average personal computer user to fight viruses and worms include:

  1. Watch for new software downloads that add to new layers of protection.
  2. Do not open attachments from unrecognized email sources.
  3. Install anti-virus software.
  4. Download updates on your anti-virus software. New viruses require new solutions and companies like McAfee are constantly – 24 hours a day, every day of the year – building new protective measures against the latest outbreak.
  5. Finally, back up your critical information to preserve it in a worst-case scenario.

McAfee also recommends you stay informed and well-read about the latest attacks, and learn what to do about it. These worms and viruses are evolving invaders that grow in sophistication according to the experience of the attacker. So we’re all on an infinite learning curve, but McAfee’s job is to stay ahead of the antagonists and provide ongoing protection.

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