Why we celebrate Father’s Day: everything you need to know

In Spain, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19, the day of Saint Joseph, as in Portugal, Italy, Honduras, Equatorial Guinea, Liechtenstein, Macao, Andorra and Bolivia. However, in most countries it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, although there are also other dates: in Russia, for example, it is February 23, Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Meanwhile, in Romania it is the second Sunday in May, and in Australia and New Zealand, the first Sunday in September.


Origin of the Father’s Day party


This celebration was born in the United States of the gratitude of a daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd, towards her father, a veteran of the American civil war named Henry Jackson Smart. Henry’s wife passed away giving birth to their sixth child, and he cared for and raised their children with all the love and help in the world on a farm in Washington state.


Sonora Smart Dodd came up with the idea of celebrating Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. At first he proposed June 5, Mr. Smart’s birthday, but the choice of date was unsuccessful.


The idea of instituting a ‘ Father’s Day ‘, however, did gradually gain acceptance. Finally in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge endorsed the idea of establishing a national Father’s Day, and in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day in America.


The celebration quickly spread to Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa as a way to honor parents and recognize their role in the upbringing and education of their children.


Regardless of the date of its celebration, the important thing about this date is that it aims to pay tribute to parents. A day in which it is important that we remind them how much we love them, how much they have meant and mean to us, and how important their presence is in the development and education of children.


Although each family celebrates it in their own way, in Spain it is very common for meals to be made on Father’s Day or on the days close to that date. It is common for families to get together to celebrate this date and for the little ones in the house to give gifts to their parents.


Specifically, on Father’s Day, families gather around parents, grandparents or stepparents to give them a gift . The crafts of children thought to dad are seldom absent, nor some detail to remember that day. In many Spanish homes, Father’s Day is the only day of the year when children prepare breakfast for Dad (who pretends to be asleep until everything is ready) and take it to bed. However, it is also important to remember that not all families celebrate this date or do it in the same way.



Father’s Day on Wikipedia

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